Marching Forth

“God will use any number of extraordinary things to chisel the detail of His ‘lily work’ in His children…He will use anything and IMG_3177everything, no matter what it is, and we shall always know when God is at work, because He produces in the commonplace something that is inspiring” (Oswald Chambers). Here is our family pictured on March 4, 2018, 10 years following our Victoria Grace’s passing from this earth into our Lord’s presence. Her living legacy of God’s victory by His grace marches forth. Here are a few glimpses of recent glordinary goings here in Peru…

March marks the beginning of the Peruvian school year for the children served through Kids Alive Peru. Kristin has resumed IMG_3323teaching music in the club program here at the care center. Here is a video from Kids Alive’s Oasis School in Manchay, a community on the outskirts of Lima (thanks to our good friend, Steve Lewis, who put this together):

Manchay Oasis School and Care Center from Perfect 10 Productions on Vimeo.

We enjoyed a very encouraging visit from Mark’s brother, Andrew, and his family from Montana. During their visit, a group of three men and one of their children joined us and the men nearly finished siding the team house, including a roof over the second floor porch.



























We also visited the Shipibo village, Victoria Gracia, with Andrew’s family and our friends from Montana.









Mark preaching at VG











Meanwhile, Mark has continued staff training with all of the Kids Alive Pucallpa Peruvian staff and missionaries; he taught a class of 12 Shipibo church leaders during an New Testament course for a couple days at Church Planting International’s Bible Institute; and he preached at a wedding in Lima of a former staff member at TEC and a missionary kid who grew up in Lima. Kristin and Rachel were glad to join in the wedding celebration!IMG_3238IMG_3229IMG_3126IMG_3207IMG_3241




















And we continue to play along the way, as evident of our boys screen fishing at Grandpa John’s lake; spending time with their Montana cousins; enjoying the tasty treats following an Easter egg hunt; and playing games at the Orchard Children’s Home; and a new Ballistic Bros video (see video at the end of the post – the boys celebrate every new subscriber, so they invite you to subscribe to the Ballistic Bros!).
























Grateful for His “goings,”

Mark, Kristin, Caleb, Jacob, and Rachel Coté

Director of Discipleship and Development, Kids Alive Peru


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Our mailing address:
Apartado 25
Pucallpa, Peru

