Fishbowl Faithfulness – Part II
Fishbowl Faithfulness – Part I
Video and Picture Highlights of Hope
2 Years in Peru: Family Interview
Hope for Edom
Because God Loves Us…
The Joyful Margins between PA and Peru
From the Good to Great Life!
A Full and Fruitful February (into March)
Living Life Out of Time

Fishbowl Faithfulness – Part II

Let’s examine fishbowl faithfulness from the perspective of “choices.” In a very insightful presentation on “The Paradox of Choice” (TED Talk, 2005), Barry Schwarz describes a simple scale for understanding how many options are available in any given culture. In his research, having “some” options are better than having “none,” but “more” options are never better than “some.” He argues that our land has long ago leapt out of “none,” surpassing the moderation of “some,” before landing in the excess of “more.” Schwarz finds that the more choices we have, the more we experience “paralysis.”

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Fishbowl Faithfulness – Part I

May this series of blog posts serve as a tool of reflection, preparing us to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving around our annual feast on November 24. May it also alert us to the call of God to offer our very lives to Him as a daily sacrifice of thanksgiving. As such, please consider this series as an occasion for preparation and response, almost like an “Advent” liturgy for Thanksgiving. For this purpose, reflective questions for the family are included following each part. “Family” should be understood as those with whom we share life, so whether single, married, a child, or an adult, we all share life with somebody to some extent. Everything that appears in these posts comes from our own heart as a family sharing life with others, where we have struggled and surrendered and sacrificed in order to continue thriving in the reality of fishbowl faithfulness. For the purposes of this series, a “fishbowl” refers to a focused life of hearing and obeying the Father in His mission. It involves being known and truly knowing others through authentic community. Such a lifestyle finds contentment within limits of time, space, and relationships, avoiding distractions and discontented yearning for “greener pastures,” though the hope for resurrection keeps increasing. We enter and remain in the fishbowl through repentance and sacrifice, because of the joy set before us… Read More

2 Years in Peru: Family Interview

IMG_0399The beginning of September marked two years since we moved to Peru. Two years ago, right before our move, we spent a very special week with Mark’s Uncle Larry and Aunt Mary Kay in Florida. Our beloved Uncle Larry recently passed on. Aunt Mary Kay (pictured with us) remains and continues to encourage us, as do countless family members and dear friends. Things change even as short periods of time pass by, yet our hope abounds, because our Lord is faithful. We moved to Peru because of this hope. We trust that this family interview will serve as a testimony and an encouragement to you… Read More

Because God Loves Us…

How do we know God loves us?

IMG_0240Answer this question to yourself: “How do we know God loves us?” Now give another answer.

After studying the Father’s love for the Son in John’s gospel, along with our daily observations on life and mission, may we suggest some additional answers to this question. First, we know God’s love for us because He shows us what He is doing:

“For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He himself is doing…” (John 5:20; NASB) Read More

The Joyful Margins between PA and Peru

IMG_0064“There is so much joy on the margins!” This declaration from a pastor friend of ours expresses our reflection on the past couple of months that we shared in the USA with family, friends, and new friends. We had returned to the States with stories of hardships abounding with hope, and over and over again we were encouraged by the depth of the reception, interest, and commitment we encountered from our partners. For this and so much more, we give thanks to our Lord…

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From the Good to Great Life!

Life may be good, but is it great? What is our measure for greatness? We hope you can learn along with our familyIMG_1572 from Jesus’ ministry and teaching on what truly makes for a great life…
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A Full and Fruitful February (into March)

Over the past month, we have experienced the many blessings of relationship in mission, as family and friends have come alongside the work here in Peru to help us advance with some needed projects while deepening connections. Enjoy the pictures and highlights from this recent chapter of our storied lives together! Read More

Living Life Out of Time

Within the realm of time, January marked the beginning of a new chapter called 2016. Years are marked by holidays, seasons, and major events in life that are met with celebration or sorrow. These events give shape to the stories of families, communities, and even nations. In many ways, our identity is based on the occurrence of these events and our response to them. Though happy moments occur, as the years go by, there seems to be a general sense of “everything getting worse.”

Outside of this realm of time, “January” was full of eternal moments called the New Creation. Eternal life is marked by rescue and restoration that are met with gratitude and hope. Such dynamics create the stories of families, communities, and even nations. In every way, our identity is formed by these realities which compel our response toward others. Suffering occurs, and as His Story continues, there is an overall sense of “everything being made neIMG_6055w.” Read More