On Sunday morning, March 2, 2014, Kristin played an organ postlude combining “Victory in Jesus” and “Amazing Grace” to celebrate the sixth anniversary of Victoria’s week of life on this earth. Before Kristin began playing, my dad invited the congregation to sit and reflect. I found myself sitting and staring ahead with my imagination fixated on Victoria’s little white casket in front of the
altar. Then in a moment, my vision opened to see beyond her casket to the white words on the purple and white altar cloth that I was staring at the whole time: “Follow Me.” Above the words sat the bread and the cup.
This experience captures the past six years for our family since Victoria’s birth and death. At this time, following Jesus means moving our family to Pucallpa, Peru, where Victoria’s Little Lambs Fund began. We will soon have our final interview to become missionaries with Kids Alive International. As when we learned about Victoria’s condition, we are overwhelmed but peaceful. Our hope is in God’s victory by His grace as He uses all of us for the least of these to bring glory to His name. All we can do is belong to Him that He may bless others through us. Thank you for joining us in this belonging and blessing in Christ, as broken bread and poured out wine.